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Weclome to Bine's <Bastelladen, handycraft, tinker,...>
Do you want to make your home more comfortable ?
You are not looking for mass production,
but rather individually hand-made decorations ?
Then this is the right corner to look at.
Numerous happy customers within the past years
keep verifying the quality of my products.
Be it for your own place or as a gift -
my little pieces of art are ideal for all purposes:
Permanent <Schmuck> for your Living-Room, Kitchen, Dining-Room or Hall
Seasonal <Ziergegenstände> for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
<Weihnachts- oder Ostergestecke, Christbaumschmuck, Grabschmuck etc.>
Decorations for Family Event, e.g. Weddings
Just ask me personally
which suggestions I'd be able to make to you.
Or simply drop in:
Sabine Hauser
Kollenzendorf 2
93437 Stamsried
FR of Germany
Tel./Fax: ++49 - 9466 - 1462
Desgin 1998 by
Thomas Schwarzfischer